Frequently asked questions

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is capable of penetrating clothing, so you may keep your clothes
on if you prefer.

The good news is that PBM light therapy does start helping your body from the very first session, but continued treatments help achieve more lasting results. You may see or feel some results immediately, but the best results are typically achieved over a few months.

Yes, light therapy is backed by science and research. Light therapy, especially PBM light therapy, is widely researched and studied around the world for its clinical applications. Light
treatments are supported by over 2,100 peer-reviewed clinical studies, and more research is
always emerging. The data has shown that PBM light therapy is well tolerated by patients of all ages, and almost completely free of side effects and complications.

Inflammation relief is one of the major benefits of PBM light therapy. Light treatments with infra-red wavelengths have an anti-inflammatory effect, as shown in clinical trials. Dr. Michael Hamblin of Harvard Medical School is a leading PBM researcher has demonstrated in numerous trials how wavelengths of near infrared light has a positive effect on reducing
inflammation. He has shown “an overall reduction in inflammation, which is particularly important for disorders of joints, traumatic injuries, lung disorders and in the brain.”

Yes, PBM light therapy has been tested and analyzed in thousands of peer-reviewed trials. The consensus among medical researchers and the clinical community is that natural light
treatments are safe, well-tolerated, and produce little to no side effects. Research teams have concluded this in study after study.

While most people think that lasers work better than LED systems, this is not true. Recent studies have found that PBM light therapy delivered through high quality LED is just as effective as PBM light therapy via laser diodes. Once a laser light penetrates the skin it is no longer a collimated beam of light, it is the same as an LED.

The light penetration depth increases at bigger numbers (Higher wavelengths). PBM Infrared light penetrates the inner layers of the skin at about 2 to 7 centimeters deep. This means it reaches the muscles, nerves, and even the bones.