About The Icaro Team

The founders of Icaro are friends and colleagues from varying dimensions of science and innovation both in light and in manufacturing. Passionate about helping athletes and patients, Michael, Fred and Dr. Ran Zhou have designed, built and accomplished more than almost any team looking to help bring the latest and most beneficial technology to market.

Holding between them 220+ patents in the US, and over 400 Worldwide, they're a team of passionate engineers behind innovative and life changing businesses such as Photobiomodulation (PBM) technologies and LeapFrog, as well as conducted roles across the manufacturing fields, light engineering and also at Disney. The team has over 30 years of experience designing environmentally friendly technologies, with a NASA Group achievement award and a congressional medal of merit for ch-founder Fred!

The Icaro team has changed the way light technology has been applied to various consumer goods and amongst manufacturing over their lifetimes, and by colliding minds, they've been able to launch Icaro with the confidence they can continue serving all athletes and patients seeking help and the latest most effective recovery.